Salut mes amis! Je m'appele Octavio Goût et Je suis de la Mexican Garrison.
Ok my french is a little bit rusty, I don't speak in french since I was 11 when I used to live in Mayenne. I just wanted to say hi and to meet a "les legionares français" (I don't know if that's the correct way to write it down.
Buenas tardes amigo
Bienvenido aqui 8)
Oh Mayenne ! i know a lot this city

, really beautiful city so many souvenirs there for me
really nice to see other country troopers here

Saludos amigos !
I have the opportunity with my job to work for LEON, MEXICO, TORREON cities (public transportation). I would be pleased to see you there one day !
Hasta la vista !
Merçi beaucoup mes amis!
We have some guys in Leon and a lot on Mexico City. The city where I live in (Guadalajara) is not far from Leon, I would think around 2 hours far. It would be nice to get together if you ever come to Mexico. I really want to go to France again. I just loved your country, and I was only 11 years old. So I think I will love it more now that I've grown up.
Hi Octavio, you're welcome :wink:
I live at 25km from Mayenne .... the Empire is so small :twisted:
Hope to see here more news or pictures from you !!
I´ll try to be posting but I'll have to work on my french. You're more than welcome to come to our web page at
If you can post some pics of your city
Me gusta Mexico 8) !
That will be a pleasure to meet you in France or in Mexico