Forums 501st French Garrison

Version complète : Greetings from Swiss Garrison
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Hello everyone, my name is Jan and I'm DS20919 from the swiss garrison.

I will be at holidays in france comming april and was hoping to arrange a meetup with you guys. I will only be able to do one meetup, so probably in the city where the most of your garrison have time.

These are the dates where I will be in each city. I day per town/city:
Montelimar / 8.April
Avignon / 9.April
Saintes marie de la mer / 10.April
St. Tropez / 11.April

I hope to meet many of you, can't wait to visit france.

Kind Regards
Jan / DS20919
Hi Jan !
I won't be there but I wish you nice holidays in France !
Enjoy !
