Forums 501st French Garrison

Version complète : Message from TK409, Chris Bartlett
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Hello troopers!
I've just completed a most amazing troop here in France with my French 501st brothers. My wife and I stayed in Ales for l'Espace dans ma Ville and where I appeared as Threepio for the children of the camp and the kids at the hospital. After the week was over, Dawn and I spent another week in the South of France visiting several cities and the coast. This was our first trip to Europe and we found the French people to be warm, helpful and most generous. Fred SPAD and Catherine DEXTER drove 6 hours to drive me to lunch, Denis Kilroy FR brought his daughters' amazing costumes, Paul Rocca opened his home to us, and Christophe Impines rescued me from certain destruction several times. I wish I could have met the entire garrison, so I'll have to return soon! It was a wonderful experience we'll never forget. Photos and video coming soon, I'm sure. Smile

_ Chris Bartlett
Thanx for visiting us with your wife. We all really appreciated your kindness of both; it was definitively too short but you have to come back to visit Paris and north of france.
Hope to see you again maybe on celebration 5 (fingers crossed for east coast location !).
kilroyFR a écrit :you have to come back to visit Paris and north of france.

And if you would come to the Northern France... Another team is always ready to welcome you !!!... :wink: :wink: :wink:
J'ai déposé Chris et Dawn ce matin (très tôt) à l'aéroport, ils sont assez dégouté de rapartir card ils étaient très bien ici, mais leurs 4 enfants leur manquent énormément !

Ils espèrent vraiment pouvoir revenir bientôt, et remercient chaleureusement tous les troopers qu'ils ont pu rencontrer.

Dès que Chris arrivera chez lui, il viendra s'inscrire sur notre forum comme ça il pourra directement communiquer avec vous.

En attendant, vous pouvez poster ici et tout lui sera transmis par mes soins, promis.

@++ les copains :wink: Cry
really happy that you came in France
That was a honnor for us Big Grin

i hope that one time we could met together
you are welcome in our beautiful country 8)

Thanks for your presence for the children and all you do in Alès

can't wait to see the pics and videos Wink
Here's a few photos and video. I made this video, that was being shown in the local cinemas as a trailer before all of their movies.


[Image: iy05z9.jpg]

*Promo Photo*

[Image: 3735186280_f43ab73e3e.jpg]

Lots of photos at the links.
* Photos on Flickr:

* French 501st Garrison gallery

* French Garrison video (better quality documentary coming soon)

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It was a really pleasure to meet you ! Big Grin