Forums 501st French Garrison

Version complète : Salutations!
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Hello everyone!

My name is Joseph Schönberger and I am a member of Garrison Tyranus from the state of Virginia.

I wanted to take a moment to say hello and visit your forums.

[Image: wavey.gif]
Hello Joseph !

Happy to see US trooper out there !
What armor(s) do you have ? pictures ? tell us about you
I own a TIE pilot costume, an Imperial officer, and stormtrooper armor.

I am also the leader of the Kilted Trooper Brigade.

Here's a pic of myself with a couple of our Imperial Highlanders

[Image: 057.JPG]

Big Grin
F16WarBird a écrit :I am also the leader of the Kilted Trooper Brigade.
We have some troopers out there having a kilt. Guess they will be happy to see the kilted trooper leader Wink
Hello my kilted friend Wink

i'm in the KTB too Wink

really happy to see ya there Big Grin
Welcome Joseph,

I'm very happy to see you on this forum ..

I'have send you a message on KTB for your adress to send picture..

Hi Bea! Big Grin


I replied to your PM on June 10th. :wink:
welcome :wink:
We met to C4, here is a photo, I am to the left


quel est ce regard lancé vers Marc ??? :lol: :lol:
AKIRA a écrit :hum,

quel est ce regard lancé vers Marc ??? :lol: :lol:
la moustache, tout est dans la moustache. :oops:
peacetrooper a écrit :We met to C4, here is a photo, I am to the left


Ah, yes. I remember meeting you.

I look quite drunk in that photo. Probably because I was. :lol: