Forums 501st French Garrison

Version complète : Legion Commander inspects the Troops
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Bon Jour Garnison Francaise!
Albin Johnson here, your notorious Legion Commander, lurking about and setting up a thread for me to prepare for future visits. I'm about to engage in a Legion-wide tour of visiting the Garrison forums, something that will happen on a rotating schedule. Your CO will know the date of my next stop, as I will work that out with your command staff. I hope to have Ron Garner, my XO, join me for some visits. Our purpose is to say hello, answer questions, hear what YOU have to say, and get a feel for how our troopers are doing on the ground. Each visit will have a different theme, but each one will have the same points in mind - to make sure you know I'm accessible and get a feel for what's important to our troopers today.

So feel free to post some Q's here or share some thoughts for me to read for when I stop back by. I'm excited at the idea of a "virtual inspection of the troops" until the day I can finally come and visit you in person.

Stand strong. YOU are the Legion.

Long Live Vader's Fist

AL (Tk210)

p.s. remember the Legion archives are growing and we're going to be putting on quite a show at CV - so if there are any cool pics of your time trooping, or artifacts of any kind from your Garrison's history including patches, stickers, memorabilia of any kind please send it all on to me directly and I will have it processed. I'm at : 300 Braewick Rd Columbia SC 29212 if you're shipping anything - I'm at if you have cool pics to share (please include names and dates for each pic). Thank you.

p.p.s. 501st lanyards are back for the first time in 2 years. You can order black or red toplan lanyards for only $6 apiece (shipping included) via paypal to - $5 apiece for orders of 10 or more - you can view the lanyard art and model (the top one pictured) below. Feel free to email me with any questions.
hello Al,
happy to see you on our board.
hello Albin, glad to see you here
Hi Albin, good to see you here and we hope very soon in France ... again ... :wink:

Lysiane / ID 7680 & Hubert / ID 7312 ...
As written in first post of the topic : "Our purpose is to say hello, answer questions, hear what YOU have to say, and get a feel for how our troopers are doing on the ground"

Question to our Legion Commander (for next visit) :

Code :
Topic : 'Green Trooper ?'

When starting legion, focus was mainly to promote charity events to "help" kids (but not only);

My question is :
as this is gonna be probably the major concern in the next years (for us but mainly for our kids), what about promoting events that would help contribute 'educating' kids on minimizing their carbon impact, minimize waste of energy/supporting 'green' (non political of course) associations or fundations/tree planting actions etc.
=> in my opinion, it is not a political topic, but personal involvment in the cause that could be a positive addition to our current actions.
=> the 501st legion being a worlwide organisation, every trooper would be sensitive to this problem
=> this could be additional kind of events legion could be a part of (would not replace charity events of course - not the purpose of my question).
=> i remember having (indirectly) participed to some actions (raise funds for bushfire in australia or in california (buying patches) but those are very localised actions and in a certain way, restricted to patch traders.

This is just an idea as if this problem was not so important until now, it is up to each of us to help save what it remains.
And as far as i know we have not already started building any kind of 'death star' planet that would be a good refuge. :?


PS : i am not a 'pure' ecologist, but only personally concerned by those environmental problem(s) and ... also because i have kids.

French Translation :

Citation :Question à notre commandant de la Légion (pour la prochaine visite):

Thème: "Trooper Vert ?"

Lors du démarrage de la légion, l'accent a été principalement focalisé sur la promotion d'événements de charité pour "aider" les enfants (mais pas seulement);

Ma question est la suivante:
Comme cela sera probablement la préoccupation majeure dans les prochaines années (pour nous mais surtout pour nos enfants), pourquoi ne pas promouvoir des manifestations qui contribuent a 'éduquer' les enfants (à minimiser leur impact carbone, reduire leur depense energetique) / soutien d'associations ou fondations "vertes" (non-politique, bien sûr ) / actions de plantation d'arbres etc
=> À mon avis, ce n'est pas un sujet politique, mais l'implication personnelle de chacun dans la cause pourrait être une bonne chose a nos activités courantes.
=> La 501eme legion etant une organisation mondiale, je pense que tous les troopers seraient sensiblisés a ce probleme.
=> Cela pourrait être d'autres types d'événements légion (ne remplace pas les événements de charité, bien sûr - ce n'est pas l'objet de ma question).
=> je me rappelle avoir participé (indirectement) a quelques actions (recolte de fonds pour les feux en australie ou en californie (achat de patches) mais celles-ci sont des actions tres localisées et d'une certaine façon 'limitées' aux collectionneurs de patchs.

Ceci est juste une idée, car si ce problème n'était pas si important jusqu'à présent, il appartient à chacun d'apporter notre contribution pour aider à sauver ce qu'il reste.
Et pour autant que je sache, nous n'avons pas encore d'etoile noire sur laquelle trouver refuge ! :?


PS : je ne suis pas un ecologiste 'pure' mais simplement personnellement concerné par ce(s) problème(s) d'environnement et aussi ... parce que j'ai des enfants.
Merci pour la traduc :wink: