08-05-2009, 17:14
Hello Legion,
I'm happy to announce one more highlight for 2009: The moviepark in Bottrop invited us back for this year! On September 5th 2009 we'll show Spongebob how the Legion handles things...
This year we'll only troop on Saturday, not on Sunday! Arriving at the hotel will be possible Friday night already, the troopers who were with us last year already know the Pub in the hotel... and I think that pub remembers us
Every participating trooper will get a free entranceticket to the park that will be valid for the 2009 season. We will get a dressing room again and we'll be fed in one of the park's restaurants.
Day activities:
Depending on how many troopers will participate we'll think of something
nothing fixed yet.
Hotel information:
We'll stay at the same hotel as last year: The Hotel Best Western in Oberhausen
46€ per Person per night in a double room
41€ per Person per night in a three-bed room
36€ per Person per night in a four-beds room
Snoring is extra: 66€ per Person per night in a single bed room
Please keep in mind that cancelling a booked room will cost up to 80% or the room price depending on time left to the date. Free cancelling is possible until July 10th, 2009.
Evening planning:
Nothing fixed yet. Probably we'll meet to eat in the hotel restaurant (menu will be posted soon) and go to the pub afterwards.
How to sign up?
PM me
Hotelreservations are handled by Romy Hagena. Mail: starbuck@gmx.de
PM me
Thanks for reading! Hopefully we'll meet you all in Bottrop
Your Organisationteam
Jenny Natschow, Romy Hagena, Dan Sczudlik and me
Updates will be posted here:
I'm happy to announce one more highlight for 2009: The moviepark in Bottrop invited us back for this year! On September 5th 2009 we'll show Spongebob how the Legion handles things...
This year we'll only troop on Saturday, not on Sunday! Arriving at the hotel will be possible Friday night already, the troopers who were with us last year already know the Pub in the hotel... and I think that pub remembers us

Day activities:
Depending on how many troopers will participate we'll think of something

Hotel information:
We'll stay at the same hotel as last year: The Hotel Best Western in Oberhausen
46€ per Person per night in a double room
41€ per Person per night in a three-bed room
36€ per Person per night in a four-beds room
Snoring is extra: 66€ per Person per night in a single bed room

Please keep in mind that cancelling a booked room will cost up to 80% or the room price depending on time left to the date. Free cancelling is possible until July 10th, 2009.
Evening planning:
Nothing fixed yet. Probably we'll meet to eat in the hotel restaurant (menu will be posted soon) and go to the pub afterwards.
How to sign up?
PM me

Hotelreservations are handled by Romy Hagena. Mail: starbuck@gmx.de
PM me
Thanks for reading! Hopefully we'll meet you all in Bottrop

Your Organisationteam
Jenny Natschow, Romy Hagena, Dan Sczudlik and me
Updates will be posted here: